~Ola chingus! How's everybody doin?
The month of February is one of the special months of the year that I love since its Hubby's birthday month. In addition, there are other occasions like Chinese New Year and Valentine's Day included on this month too. As you can see most of the highlight for this month is food! (●ゝω)ノヽ(∀<●)
The first picture would be a man made cherry blossom tree and paper lantern that we saw at Gateway Mall during the Chinese New Year. When I saw this display, it made me realized how I badly wish to travel to other country specially at Japan and Korea. Next photos are all about food, the reason why I can't loose weight. My diet program was not to eat after 6 p.m. but I sure do eat a lot during the morning. Last picture would be a flower design from a table mat. It was a simple art that made me smile. I hope I would be like this flower blooming through out the year.