
photo credits by Google
Thank you Ms. Gellie of Taste Of My Own Medicine for nominating me for a Liebster Blog Award. Liebster is a German word meaning dearest, and the award is given to up and coming bloggers with less than 200 followers who deserve some recognition and support to keep on blogging. Unfortunately I don't have enough followers so I can't nominate 11 blogs. Even so I decided to continue on because its fun

11 Random Facts About Me

1. My left eye is smaller than my right eye
2. I don't know how to swim and ride a bike
3. I don't eat bitter melon & pork and beans
4. My handwriting sucks
5. I am not ticklish
6. I don't know how to use chopsticks
7. I love pillows
8. I love chicken meals
9. I love chocolates
10. I love anime
11. My love for KPOP is greater than JPOP
11 Questions from Gellie:
1. What's your favorite sport?
~ None, I'm too clumsy for sports.
2. What's your favorite Fall nail polish?
~We only have 2 season here at the Philippines but my favorite nails polish would be Majolica Majorca's OR203.
3. What's your favorite movie?
~My Sassy Girl (Korean version)
4. Do you prefer tea or coffee?
5. Do you play any musical instrument?
6. What country would you like to visit soon?
7. Are you quiet or outgoing?
8. Do you like candles?
9. What will you be for Halloween?
~Dark Angel or murdered geisha
10. Do you prefer winter or summer?
11. Ice cream or Yogurt?
~Ice cream
My Nominees
Gem's Beauty
Officially GIRLY-fied
Psycho Chick Lessons
Nerd Is A Compliment
A Rare Reality
Nails My Dream
11 Questions for my Nominees
1) Favorite day of the week?
2) What is your most expensive make-up?
3) What is your dream camera?
4) What is your favorite food?
5) What do you prefer chocolate, vanilla, or mocha?
6) What is your dream escapade?
7) Favorite music genre?
8) Favorite anime series?
9) Who is your crush (might be an artist or anime)?
10) Favorite color?
11) Favorite outfit?
Please write down 11 random facts about you and then answer 11 questions from the person who nominated you...so that's me

Start discovering new blogs now 

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