
So much for the delay of my second installment of Cosplay Mania event

I'm still not finished on showing you all the things that caught my attention during the event hehe!. There was this store that offered pre-loved items...urgh! remember, I did not have enough money that time so I can't even afford a pre-loved item......hopeless

I would love to have this jeans

There were few pictures at the cosplay gallery that I found interesting. While looking at them I suddenly thought that I really need to save up and buy a good camera 

Kyaaaa!!!! and perhaps I need to learn some photography techniques 

And the following people are my most favorite cosplayers at the event 

Yay! I found a new crush
on Nico Arenzen dressed up as Kurapika of Hunter X Hunter

These 2 crossplayers are also included on my crush list but too bad I didn't get their names. They were crossplaying Tetsuya Kuroko and Taiga Kagami of Kuroko's Basketball.
And I think these three are the best cosplayers that night
haha! The one cosplaying Maria of Vampire Knight is Sachie...I think I haven't introduced her properly. You guys already know Rin-chan as she appears often on my previous post XD

I'm indeed thankful that I was given these bunch of good friends.
That day was never ending for me and it was indeed one of the happiest and craziest event of my life.
~ Well then see you on my next post 

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