Lip Paints ヾ(〃⌒ ー———⌒)ノ~~
~Ola (=^0^=)/
It has been a busy week and I admit that I have a hard time finding time to write. Whenever I go home, I'd like to sleep early (┬┬_┬┬)。o 〇 ○
Anyways, enough of my sleepiness( ´^ー^`)ニヤァリ I'd like to share one of the things that makes me smile. Since I started learning how to put make-up on my face, I can't help to be amazed to the many colors of lipstick that every cosmetics has (●゚д゚●)
Imagine one brand of cosmetics has more than 20 different colors of (●⌒∇⌒●) and if only I can have one room full of those o((*^▽^*))o Just to let you know lipstick is one of the first “face paint” that I bought.
Let me share to you my small collection. You would actually notice which one is the oldest and which one is new...sorry for the mess ☆:*・゚(●´∀`●)ホェ:*・゚☆
Starting from the back left-hand side – NYX Lip Smacking Fun Colors [Watermelon], IN2IT Lasting Color Lipstick [Smoked Peach], Fanny Serrano Moisturific [Peri Sherry] and AVON's Ultra Moisture Lipstick [Apricot Nectar Rose]
Amazing! ...order of color are same as the photo above *:゜☆ヽ(*’∀’*)/☆゜:。*。
And oh, these are also my “lip stuff” most of them were given by my good friend except for Tony Moly's Water Jelly Tint [Strawberry] and Kissful Lip Care [Peach] of Etude House ・:*:・(*/////∇/////*)・:*:・
Ohoho! I'm still collecting "face paints" so this is not the last time that I would be featuring my collection See♪ ヾ('-'*)oヾ(*'ー'*)ノo(*'-') /~ You♪

Etude House,
Face Paint,
Fanny Serrano,
Tony Moly
(* ̄(エ) ̄)/゚Search for stress Reliever ・゚\( ̄(エ) ̄*)
Honestly, I've been having insecurities on how I look lately. This is not good I know 。・°°・(>_<)・°°・。so instead of thinking this as being envy with other girls or a quest for being “forever young”, this is the cure for my stress ( -.-) ( -.-) ( -.-)
After spending 6 hours for rest day overtime, my good friend and I strolled our way to Watson's at Robinsons Galleria, I know..most of the “kikay” stuff that we buy is from that store (at different branches) .. ( ̄ー ̄)(ー_ー)( ̄ー ̄)(ー_−)
I bought an Ever Bilena single blush-on with Vitamin E. I chose the shade of Tan as I really like “natural” and “earth colors”. This 4 gram blush costs 110 pesos. My friend Rinoa-chan gave me a Pure Beauty Super Brightening Eye Gel...though I can't really remember how much it costs o(>▽<)o . As you can see on the picture above I have problem of having a “visible” dark circle on my eye. I hope this eye gel would have a “big effect” o(´∇`*o)(o*´∇`)o
Oh! Oh! BTW...I have finally made my watermark for my photos..see I'm making a progress on my creativeness ξ\(^。^ ))))) And I'm still learning some tricks on this bloody Photoshop
See yah~ on my next project バヾ(*'O'*)イヾ(*'◇'*)バヾ(*'□'*)ー

Ever Bilena,
Eye Gel,
Pure Beauty,
Robinsons Galleria,
stress reliever,
ヘ(^_^ヘ)(ノ^_^)ノHealth, Beauty and Fun ~ Watsons ヘ(^_^ヘ)(ノ^_^)ノ
Tadah! I'm back with my second loot bag from my last payday ..・ヾ(。 ̄□ ̄)ツ This time I went shopping at Watsons SM Cubao.
I have purchased a Solo Care Aqua soft contact lens solution. I was not able to wear my lens for a week because I don't have enough solution to clean it up(@^_^)ゞ
I love wearing my lens as my eyes gets bigger like a cute ♪(*^ー゜)v(*^▽^*)*☆
Also I purchase some ponytails by Pinkbox.
I'm not good at hairstyle so its an achievement that I was able to do this look..see picture below (。・_・。)ポッ(。・_・。)ポッ(。・_・。)ポッ
Oh! BTW, I have not made up my mind whether I'd be doing a hair rebond or digiperm
(_ _,)/~~ Both hair method is damn expensive (>_<)ー~)
P.S. I have forgotten to give credits to my iPod touch 4th generation for all the pictures that I have taken, Instragram application for the several camera effects, and Rakuga-cute that adds kawaii drawings on my pictures :*.;".*・;・^;・:\(o^▽^o)/:・;^・;・*.";.*:サンキュー!
(^0^)/~~see you again on my next blog!
I have purchased a Solo Care Aqua soft contact lens solution. I was not able to wear my lens for a week because I don't have enough solution to clean it up(@^_^)ゞ
I love wearing my lens as my eyes gets bigger like a cute ♪(*^ー゜)v(*^▽^*)*☆
Also I purchase some ponytails by Pinkbox.
I'm not good at hairstyle so its an achievement that I was able to do this look..see picture below (。・_・。)ポッ(。・_・。)ポッ(。・_・。)ポッ
Oh! BTW, I have not made up my mind whether I'd be doing a hair rebond or digiperm
(_ _,)/~~ Both hair method is damn expensive (>_<)ー~)
P.S. I have forgotten to give credits to my iPod touch 4th generation for all the pictures that I have taken, Instragram application for the several camera effects, and Rakuga-cute that adds kawaii drawings on my pictures :*.;".*・;・^;・:\(o^▽^o)/:・;^・;・*.";.*:サンキュー!
(^0^)/~~see you again on my next blog!

Circle Lens,
Doll Eyes,
iPod 4th Gen,
SM Cubao,
Solo Care Aqua,
Hi there! It's been a tiring week due to heavy work load (≧∇≦)キャー♪ and I missed writing so much.Well a rewarding day had come and I would like to share to you my “payday” loot bags. This entry would be the first part of the rewarding things that I bought for myself.
I decided to buy some reading materials at Bestsellers. It still feels different when you read articles on a “glossy paper” rather reading it online.
I bought Cosmopolitan's March issue that is featuring KC Concepcion. I never had like her before but since her break-up she suddenly blossomed and she became more interesting.
As the magazine says “Thank you to KC's ex”( ^.^)( -.-)( _ _)
BTW, the magazine includes some freebies :D .It includes a sample size moisturizer from Physiogel. As the label indicates its hypoallergenic so my boyfriend would like to try it out
And also it has the Belo Essentials SunExpert Face Cover with SPF40..a very interesting product to try on this summer.
How can I forget my Pulp magazine that features ELF's collectors edition of Super Junior Super Show 3 yay! ♪(o=゜▽゜)人(゜▽゜=o)♪るんるん♪(o=゜▽゜)人(゜▽゜=o)♪ and 2NE1 ~~
This magazine was released last September 2011 and I know I'm suppper late on buying it ―(T_T)→ I can't help to giggle while I was browsing through the pages of the magazine (*/∇\*) キャ
As a Kim Heechul biased fan of SuJu of course I looked for his solo pictures.
Isn't he lovely??? 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚♪☆LOVELOVE('∇^*)☆♪。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
So that should be it for now, hopefully I would able to finish these magazine before the my weekend.....ends 。:゚(。ノω\。)゚・
Til my next loot bag ☆+:;;;;;:+☆ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ☆+:;;;;;:+☆
I decided to buy some reading materials at Bestsellers. It still feels different when you read articles on a “glossy paper” rather reading it online.
I bought Cosmopolitan's March issue that is featuring KC Concepcion. I never had like her before but since her break-up she suddenly blossomed and she became more interesting.
As the magazine says “Thank you to KC's ex”( ^.^)( -.-)( _ _)
BTW, the magazine includes some freebies :D .It includes a sample size moisturizer from Physiogel. As the label indicates its hypoallergenic so my boyfriend would like to try it out
( ^ - ^")/
And also it has the Belo Essentials SunExpert Face Cover with SPF40..a very interesting product to try on this summer.
How can I forget my Pulp magazine that features ELF's collectors edition of Super Junior Super Show 3 yay! ♪(o=゜▽゜)人(゜▽゜=o)♪るんるん♪(o=゜▽゜)人(゜▽゜=o)♪ and 2NE1 ~~
This magazine was released last September 2011 and I know I'm suppper late on buying it ―(T_T)→ I can't help to giggle while I was browsing through the pages of the magazine (*/∇\*) キャ
As a Kim Heechul biased fan of SuJu of course I looked for his solo pictures.
Isn't he lovely??? 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚♪☆LOVELOVE('∇^*)☆♪。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
So that should be it for now, hopefully I would able to finish these magazine before the my weekend.....ends 。:゚(。ノω\。)゚・
Til my next loot bag ☆+:;;;;;:+☆ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ☆+:;;;;;:+☆
(_ _|||) Annoying Problem (_ _|||)
There is something that has been bugging me for quite some time now. I know that its not a so healthy discussion but its really painful......・ヾ(。><)シ ・ヾ(。><)シ・ヾ(。><)シ
I have a freakin' pimple 。゜(>д<)゜。 ぅぇ〜ん
I usually get this when I'm going to have my period but this is an exception! According to my theory its because of the it would be the heat that causes this.
Even with this kind of problem (_ ̄■ ̄_) I just do my usual “beauty ritual” ( ̄  ̄)………( ̄∇ ̄)ニヤッ Before applying make-up or even when I'm removing my make-up I use a toner to cleanse off the dirt on my skin. I prefer to use an “organic” toner. A solution with less commercial chemical (?) on it. I have chosen to use Dickinson Original Witch Hazel toner as it does not sting on my face on every application. And I've also read previously that witch hazel helps lessen dark circle on the eyes..though I can't remember where I've read it ( ̄へ ̄|||)
I'd wait for about an hour before I wash my face with water and a cleansing foam. I have been using Etude House' Happy Teatime Green Tea. It's bubbly (^^,), love the scent and it has an after effect of softness on the skin.
And finally for my moisturizer, I prefer Nivea Creme. It's an “old product” that had survived all through out these years. I've been seeing people since I was a kid using this crème and I think its quite effective (;゚-゚)(。_。;)(;゚-゚)(。_。;)ウンウン
Well that should be it and I hope my “tiny” problem would go away fast..... (人・_・)♡ (人・_・)♡ (人・_・)♡
I have a freakin' pimple 。゜(>д<)゜。 ぅぇ〜ん
I usually get this when I'm going to have my period but this is an exception! According to my theory its because of the it would be the heat that causes this.
I do not use any “special medicine” for any acne problem..why? Because I fear that it would only make it worse weird eh? ヽ(´〜`;)Even with this kind of problem (_ ̄■ ̄_) I just do my usual “beauty ritual” ( ̄  ̄)………( ̄∇ ̄)ニヤッ Before applying make-up or even when I'm removing my make-up I use a toner to cleanse off the dirt on my skin. I prefer to use an “organic” toner. A solution with less commercial chemical (?) on it. I have chosen to use Dickinson Original Witch Hazel toner as it does not sting on my face on every application. And I've also read previously that witch hazel helps lessen dark circle on the eyes..though I can't remember where I've read it ( ̄へ ̄|||)
I'd wait for about an hour before I wash my face with water and a cleansing foam. I have been using Etude House' Happy Teatime Green Tea. It's bubbly (^^,), love the scent and it has an after effect of softness on the skin.
And finally for my moisturizer, I prefer Nivea Creme. It's an “old product” that had survived all through out these years. I've been seeing people since I was a kid using this crème and I think its quite effective (;゚-゚)(。_。;)(;゚-゚)(。_。;)ウンウン
Well that should be it and I hope my “tiny” problem would go away fast..... (人・_・)♡ (人・_・)♡ (人・_・)♡

Cleansing Foam,
Etude House,
Green Tea,
Happy Teatime,
Nivea Creme,
Witch Hazel
\(^▽^*) Lip Care (*^▽^)/
It has been deadly hot these past weeks and I can tell that its already summer. When you stay indoors even with doors and window open you'd still feel that your inside a sauna. Once you go out you'd melt instantly like a vampire errr ice cream (゜-゜)(゜-゜)(゜-゜)
My problem through out the year is having chappy lips. Maybe I lack Vitamin E or I don't drink often but its such a pain. I've tried to put on some remedy on my lips so I decided to use a lip balm. I tried many brands of lip balm but none of them seems to suit me.............................
。・゜゜⌒(TOT)⌒゜゜・。 ( ^; 滝のようだ・・・
Some of those brand was greasy and does not really moisturize. Other lip balm was tinted or scented but leaves the lip dry. So in general they didn't help me at all because no matter how expensive, cheap or “famous” the product was it just leaves me with a problematic lips ヽ(´ー`)┌
My friend loves to follow some beauty blogs and I remembered while checking out some blogger that she is following one of them feature a not so common brand of lip balm. Not so common because I don't usually see it on the beauty corner. The product's name is "Blistex". It had a good review so I decided to look for it (゚ー゚)(。_。)ウンウン
It's hard to find (?), coz I tried to check Watson's at Megamall, Robinson's Galleria, SM Cubao and Gateway but still no luck on finding this lip balm. Luckily when we went on shopping at Robinson's Galleria Supermarket it was finally THERE! hidden at the back of other lip balms ☆彡(ノ^^)ノ☆彡ヘ(^^ヘ)☆彡(ノ^^)ノ☆ Among the various type of lip balm that Blistex offer they only have the Berry Lip Balm.
What I like about it?
What I don't like about it?
I've noticed with all the Blistex Berry Balm that I have purchased that it has a pink tape on every each side of the product.
Now that I have my 4th lip balm, I decided to peel it off so that I can now be at peace. I have discovered that the pink tape on every side of the product was actually trying (?) to hide its actual name which is “MEDICATED BERRY BALM”. I really don't know why do they have to hide it..maybe its not “eye catchy” for consumers but they have to change it. It's like false advertisement you know..ヽ(o`皿′o)ノ
My problem through out the year is having chappy lips. Maybe I lack Vitamin E or I don't drink often but its such a pain. I've tried to put on some remedy on my lips so I decided to use a lip balm. I tried many brands of lip balm but none of them seems to suit me.............................
。・゜゜⌒(TOT)⌒゜゜・。 ( ^; 滝のようだ・・・
Some of those brand was greasy and does not really moisturize. Other lip balm was tinted or scented but leaves the lip dry. So in general they didn't help me at all because no matter how expensive, cheap or “famous” the product was it just leaves me with a problematic lips ヽ(´ー`)┌
My friend loves to follow some beauty blogs and I remembered while checking out some blogger that she is following one of them feature a not so common brand of lip balm. Not so common because I don't usually see it on the beauty corner. The product's name is "Blistex". It had a good review so I decided to look for it (゚ー゚)(。_。)ウンウン
It's hard to find (?), coz I tried to check Watson's at Megamall, Robinson's Galleria, SM Cubao and Gateway but still no luck on finding this lip balm. Luckily when we went on shopping at Robinson's Galleria Supermarket it was finally THERE! hidden at the back of other lip balms ☆彡(ノ^^)ノ☆彡ヘ(^^ヘ)☆彡(ノ^^)ノ☆ Among the various type of lip balm that Blistex offer they only have the Berry Lip Balm.
What I like about it?
- Fairly cheap and costs around 63 pesos only
- It has a cherry scent and has a “minty feeling” after applying on the lips
- Its PERFECT on ME (  ̄ー)
- It has SPF 15 that protects the lip from sunburn and drying. For more information just check their website
What I don't like about it?
I've noticed with all the Blistex Berry Balm that I have purchased that it has a pink tape on every each side of the product.
When I first bought it I thought it was a quality assurance error but after buying my second one it has the same “syndrome”. I never attempted to peel that pink tape off because err I don't know, just don't like doing it \(--)/
Now that I have my 4th lip balm, I decided to peel it off so that I can now be at peace. I have discovered that the pink tape on every side of the product was actually trying (?) to hide its actual name which is “MEDICATED BERRY BALM”. I really don't know why do they have to hide it..maybe its not “eye catchy” for consumers but they have to change it. It's like false advertisement you know..ヽ(o`皿′o)ノ
(Sorry if the picture is not clear XD)
In any case I'd still recommend this product as this is quite effective for people with major problem on having chappy lips. This is ideal for this summer season as it helps seals in lips moisture.

Berry Lip Balm,
Lip Balm,
Lip Care
( ・ω・) Kiddie Art Work ( ・ω・)
It has been almost a week and I have not produced a proper watermark for my pictures (* ̄m ̄). I have been trying so hard but I can't seem to find the perfect font and style..and this makes me confused (>_<). My boyfriend suggested that I should try to draw my perfect watermark idea . I tried my best to drew and it was really funny because I'm not good at artwork and my handwriting is really terrible ( ̄ー ̄)But with strong will I grabbed a paper and ballpoint pen to sketch out my “dream watermark” (^v^). As I tried so hard to control every stroke of my pen..I realized that its really embarrassing as I can't even understood my own art (T▽T)
Since I've done a terrible job I decided to call a help from a friend \(~o~)/ \(~o~)/
It's been fun being creative although creativeness itself doesn't like me (’-’*)
Since I've done a terrible job I decided to call a help from a friend \(~o~)/ \(~o~)/
It's been fun being creative although creativeness itself doesn't like me (’-’*)

Kiddie Art Work,